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Eye Problems With Age? You Can Still Wear Contacts!

Smiling senior woman

It’s not uncommon to face eye problems with age. In fact, most people will start to notice a change in their eyesight after the age of 40 and it will generally worsen over time. This condition, presbyopia, causes difficulty in focusing on objects up close.

As you move toward retirement age, the majority of those in that age group use some form of vision correction. Compared to those under 30, who require correction at a rate of about 40%, more than 90% of people need it once they've reached their 50s. By the time you reach your 70s, you'll be hard pressed to find anyone your age who doesn't wear lenses or glasses.

Most older patients who require vision correction rely on glasses. They assume that contacts are for younger generations. However, they’re surprised to learn that you can still wear lenses, even with common age-related eye problems.

Let's take a look at some of the eye issues you'll likely experience as you get older. We'll also show you how you can still pick contact lenses over glasses, regardless of age.

Commonly Occurring Eye Problems With Age

Woman having eye problems with age

Dry eye syndrome is one of the most common issues older people face, especially among women. When the muscles of the eyelids start to sag, they don't close as tightly as they once did. This allows more air on to your eye’s surface. It won't retain moisture as well and it’s easier for dust particles to irritate your eye.

Other common eye problems that occur with age include decreases in visual acuity and contrast sensitivity. Also, seniors may notice that their eyes are more sensitive to glare and bright lights.

As the years go by, natural wear and tear occurs in the retina, cornea and lens. It becomes more and more difficult to focus on objects both near and far for many senior patients.

Below are some of the reasons why contact lenses are still great choices despite these eye problems.

Contacts Allow You to See at Different Distances

Middle aged woman looking through binoculars

As we age, our eyes' ability to focus decreases. Conditions, such as presbyopia, make it harder to see objects up close. Myopia makes it harder to see things at a distance. Many older adults turn to glasses and bifocals with progressive lenses so that they can see better at any distance.

But did you know that contact lenses now come in multifocal options as well? You also have the option of choosing monovision lenses. One eye has a lens that provides clear vision up close, and the other lens provides clear vision for long distances. And the brain quickly learns when to rely on which eye.

Contacts Are Comfortable

It's true that the contacts of yesteryear were hard and rigid, making them uncomfortable to wear for very long. Today's lenses, however, are much lighter, flexible and more comfortable than lenses past.

If you’re avoiding lenses due to previous discomfort, trying on modern lenses will likely change your mind.

Contacts Are Affordable

Contact prices will vary depending on your prescription and where you buy them. But generally speaking, contact lenses are actually pretty affordable. Your health insurance might also cover part of your lens costs, so it's worth looking into. And at PerfectLensWorld, it’s our mission to provide you with the top brands at the lowest price.

You Can Wear Contacts if You Have Dry Eyes

Eye on fire closeup

With age comes a higher risk of dry eye syndrome, since your eyes produce natural tears less readily. Many older patients will steer clear of contacts for fear of making their dry eyes worse.

When contact lenses are worn for long periods of time, they collect proteins, which can cause irritation. Seniors who are more prone to dry eyes can find these irritants especially bothersome.

When you have issues with dry eyes, it’s still possible to wear contact lenses. Opt for daily disposable soft contacts, which you wear for one day before throwing them away. By wearing a brand new set of lenses each day, you can avoid the build-up of irritating debris.

Many contact lens manufacturers also create lenses especially for people who suffer from dry eye syndrome. These have special formulas that effectively lock in moisture in the contacts. As a result, it reduces the symptoms dry eye sufferers feel. This lets them keep contacts on for longer and more comfortably.

Cleaning Contact Lenses Is Simple

Contact lens case with solution bottle and towel

Older patients who remember the early days of contact lenses associate cleaning with hassle. You needed several solutions and overnight sterilization.

Now, however, reusable contacts need little more than a daily rinse with a simple contact solution. If you opt for daily disposable lenses, there's no maintenance or cleaning required whatsoever. You just put them in every day and throw them away each night.

Glasses, on the other hand, have to be regularly cleaned from raindrops, smudges and dirt, sometimes even several times a day.

Inserting Contacts Is Painless

Female eye doctor teaching senior woman to wear contact lenses

Many older adults have always avoided contacts because they fear touching their own eyeballs. The feeling can be strange and unnatural at first. But with patience and practice, and the help of your eye doctor, anyone can get used to it before long.

There are contact lens professionals who can work with you one-on-one. You can practice your technique with them until you feel completely comfortable putting in your lenses.

Find Your Perfect Lenses

Though you’ll probably experience eye problems with age, this doesn’t mean you don’t have options when it comes to vision correction. You can still find the perfect lenses to suit your needs and to help you see better. Instead of being stuck with glasses, you can also choose contacts if you so wish.

With so many brands and types of contacts out there, you’re sure to find one that suits you perfectly. Talk to your eye doctor today about contacts to find ones that accommodate both your correction needs and eye problems.

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