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HomeFAQBrowser settings

Browser settings


Internet Explorer

1. Select "Tools" from the menu bar.
2. Select "Internet Options" from the "Tools" menu.
3. Select "Connections" tab from the "Internet Options".
4. Click "LAN Settings..." in "Local Area Network (LAN) settings".
5. Uncheck all the checkboxes in the "Proxy server".
6. Click the "OK" button for "Local Area Network (LAN) settings".
7. Click the "OK" button at the bottom.

Mozilla Firefox

1. Select "Tools" from the menu bar.
2. Select "Options" from the "Tools" menu.
3. Select "Advanced" icon from the "Options".
4. Select "Network" tab from the "Advanced".
5. Click "Settings..." button in "Connection".
6. Select "No proxy" or "Direct connection to the Internet".
7. Click the "OK" button for "Connection Settings".
8. Click the "OK" button at the bottom.

For more details or other browser's settings, please contact the manufacturer.


Internet Explorer

1. Select "Tools" from the menu bar.
2. Select "Internet Options" from the "Tools" menu.
3. Select the "Privacy" tab from "Internet Options".
4. Click "Advanced" in "Settings".
5. Check "Override automatic cookie handling" in "Cookies" on the "Advanced Privacy Settings" screen.
6. Select "Accept" for both "First-party Cookies" and "Third-party Cookies".
7. Click the "OK" button for "Advanced Privacy Settings".
8. Click the "OK" button at the bottom.

Mozilla Firefox

1. Select "Tools" from the menu bar.
2. Select "Options" from the "Tools" menu.
3. Select "Privacy" icon from the "Options".
4. Check "Accept cookies from sites" in "Cookies".
5. Set "Keep until:" to "they expire".
6. Click the "OK" button at the bottom.

For more details or other browser's settings, please contact the manufacturer.


Internet Explorer

1. Select "Tools" from the menu bar.
2. Select "Internet Options" from the "Tools" menu.
3. Select the "Security" tab from "Internet Options".
4. Click "Custom Level" in "Security Level for this zone" and open "Security Settings" screen.
5. Select "Enable" for "Active Scripting", "Scripting of Java applets" and "Allow paste operations via script" in "Scripting".
6. Click the "OK" button for "Security Settings".
7. Click the "OK" button at the bottom.

Mozilla Firefox

1. Select "Tools" from the menu bar.
2. Select "Options" from the "Tools" menu.
3. Select "Content" icon from the "Options".
4. Check "Enable JavaScript".
5. Click the "OK" button at the bottom.

For more details or other browser's settings, please contact the manufacturer.

Recommended browsers and versions

We recommend using following browsers and versions.

Please confirm if your browser is one of the above.

Internet Explorer

1. Select "Help" from the menu bar.
2. Select "About Internet Explorer" from the "Help" menu.
3. Number appears after "Version:" is your version.

Mozilla Firefox

1. Select "Help" from the menu bar.
2. Select "About Mozilla Firefox" from the "Help" menu.
3. Number appears after "version" is your version.

Browsers older than the recommended versions have risks of being infected by a computer virus. We recommend that you update.

For details on how to update your browser, please contact the manufacturer.

If this does not solve your situation, kindly contact our support center (Inquiry form). Please be noted that some situations may take a little while to locate the cause.

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