We’ve been using sunscreen to protect our skin from the sun’s rays for decades, but what about protecting our eyes? As our awareness of UV damage increases, it’s common to find contact lenses, such as Acuvue, with a degree of UV protection* built in. In fact, Acuvue claims that “No other contact lens has higher UV blocking”. It’s important to take the risk of sun damage to your eyes seriously, and contact lenses can play a key role in how you protect your vision from the sun.
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Your child may be showing an interest in wearing contact lenses. But you may think he or she is too young or immature to handle them.
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Although you may require vision correction, you should never sacrifice your personal style! We all need to express and enjoy our own wonderful uniqueness!
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Our eyesight naturally degrades as we age. That’s a simple fact. Glasses and contact lenses become essential for maintaining vision. However, poor eye health can be avoided. Protecting your eyes from age-related eye problems is possible. Let’s look at some of the most common eye issues associated with aging and learn what to do to keep your eyes strong and healthy.
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Did you know that there are 2.4 million eye injuries each year? Did you know that almost 25% of those happen in the kitchen? Since most of us spend at least some time in the kitchen, it is a good idea to think about eye safety in the kitchen. So, if you like to cook, or simply cook out of necessity, here are some things you need to know about cooking and eye safety.
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According to a CDC survey, nearly 99% of contact wearers engage in at least one risky activity concerning their contact lens hygiene. These risks increase the chance of eye inflammation or infection. These behaviors include:
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Did your company mention something about FSAs or HSAs during your orientation or a recent company meeting? And did it leave you totally curious to learn more?
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Did you know that there's such a thing as expired contact lenses? There's a set of digits on the package holding your lenses. This four digit number indicates a given month and year. It's the expiration date of your contacts.
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Contact lenses help millions of Americans see clearly in everyday life. It’s obvious that many have switched from glasses to contacts for the convenience and comfort. But what if you have a condition that prevents you from wearing off-the-shelf contact lenses?
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If you think you're suffering from a contact lens eye infection, then read this. Read this! It'll tell you exactly how to handle and prevent one from happening again.
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Properly caring for soft contact lenses is extremely important. If you’re new to wearing soft contact lenses, it’s critical to know how to keep your eyes healthy and your contacts problem-free.
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Tears are aptly called the first line of defense for our eyes, as they protect against many irritants such as germs and dust. Each time we blink, tears wash away these irritants, making everyday movement comfortable and easy. It’s so natural that we never give our tears a thought!
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Getting contacts? Here are eight good things to know before (or even after!) you get them
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Did you know that almost 90% of contact lens wearers don't know how to care for their contacts?
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More than 30 million Americans wear contact lenses, but according to the CDC, between 40 and 90 percent do not follow care instructions. Learning how to put contacts in and how to remove them is often a process of trial and error. Newbies risk damaging their eyesight, but even experienced wearers have bad habits that can lead to infections. There is a better way! Follow these six best tips on how to put your contacts in like an expert.
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There is a wide range of people who wear contact lenses. From children and teens, adults to seniors, millions of people have enjoyed the benefits of contacts for a long time.
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Chances are, you or one of your family members may develop cataracts or macular degeneration. Changing your diet can protect your eyes from these diseases and can even improve your vision.
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How much do you know about contact lenses? Did you know they're regulated by the Food and Drug Administration? How about that approximately 10% of adults still wear hard contact lenses?
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Ah, the college years! The time to learn, make friends, work hard, and party harder. It may also be the first time you are on your own. If you’re a college student wearing contact lenses, you may have some questions about how to care for your contacts while enjoying college life.
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There are millions of people who wear contact lenses in the United States. If you've just joined the group, then welcome!
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Did you know that 15 billion cigarettes are sold to people around the world every day?
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Are you tired of wearing the same old boring contact lenses day after day?
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Wearing contacts is a convenient way to correct your vision without having to wear glasses or go for LASIK surgery. But with so many options available, there are some things you should know about buying contact lenses.
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According to the Vision Council of America, about three-fourths of people wear either glasses or contact lenses. Some people find contacts more comfortable than glasses because they give you a wider range of vision.
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Held on the second Thursday of October each year, World Sight Day is an international day dedicated to eye health advocacy and communication. It is a day of awareness about vision and various topics surrounding it.
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Did you know eye disease affects more women than men, and a woman’s vision changes significantly when they’re in their 50s and 60s? Small things, like needing to adjust the prescription of your glasses or lenses, aren’t too much to worry about. However, older women are at higher risk than men for developing eye diseases such as age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma, and dry eye.
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If you’re one of the 45 million Americans who wear contact lenses, you may be asking yourself: "Why are my contacts blurry?" There are some common issues that can affect the clarity of your vision while wearing contacts.
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Wearing contact lenses past their due date poses many dangers to your eyes. Old contacts can cause, not only, eye infections, but corneal ulcers as well. For this reason, you need to be aware of the state of your contacts at all times. How can you do this? By looking out for some specific signs. If you recognize any of the following signs, then it is likely time to change your contacts.
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As an athlete, many factors play into your performance, including your ability to see clearly. Not one of the lucky ones with perfect vision? Then you probably wear eyeglasses to correct your vision. However, you may find them cumbersome and hindering while you’re in the game.
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Nearly one million people a year in the U.S. end up with a corneal condition called keratitis, and 58,000 find themselves in the ER.
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Wondering about contacts? You're not alone. Millions of people in the U.S. pop in contacts before they start their days.
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The long-awaited day on the calendar has finally arrived. Time to embark on the big adventure you’ve been planning. As someone who wears contacts, there are a few important things you need to remember to keep your eyes healthy.
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Millions of people in the U.S. wear contact lenses. And a surprising number of them have trouble putting them in. Whatever the reason for their issues though, there’s usually a solution. There’s no reason you should have trouble putting in contacts.
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Transition contact lenses are a long time coming. 42% of Americans between 12 and 54 have myopia, or nearsightedness. Also, another 5% to 10% have hyperopia, or farsightedness. According to the CDC, more than 40 million Americans are contact lens wearers.
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Around the world, as many as 1.3 billion people have some form of vision problem. In the United States alone, almost 189 million people need vision correction aids.
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How long have contact lenses been around? It might surprise you to know that the first modern contact lens was created in 1887. Although the original idea belongs to Leonardo da Vinci all the way back in 1508!
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If you don't have 20/20 vision, contacts can make your life a lot easier. But, when it comes to swimming, things can get a bit more complicated. In fact, swimming with contacts can be dangerous.
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According to a study by The Vision Council, three out of four American adults use a form of vision correction to improve their eyesight. Of these nearly 189 million people, glasses are the preferred choice. The study shows that 71% of people opt for eyeglasses while 22% use contact lenses.
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We all grew up being told not to sit too close to the television, not to read in low light, and not to rub our eyes with dirty hands. Yet, many of us still risk damaging the health of our eyes every day through simple neglect.
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Keeping your contact lenses clean is crucial in order to avoid eye infection, irritation or worse. If you use contact lenses, you’ll know that there are a couple kinds of solution available with which to clean your contacts.
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Nearly one in three people in the United States have astigmatism, which is caused by an irregularly shaped cornea. Many of these people also experience near or farsightedness as well. So if you wear glasses, you may have astigmatism too.
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Are you tired of always searching for your glasses? Or sick of them steaming up so you can't see a thing?
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Getting eye exams and regular check-ups might seem like a no-brainer. But, many Americans are skipping eye care. Reasons for this range from indifference to lack of health insurance coverage.
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If you suffer from poor eyesight, you have two options:
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No one can see in the dark, unless you have a special super power! But when you're in the dark about your contacts, you don't need a flashlight. You need help reading your contact lens prescription!
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Have you ever attempted to wear contacts? The optometrist's instructions can't completely prepare you for it. That first harrowing moment of attempting to stick a foreign object in your own eye — brutal!
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Do you suffer from vision problems? If you do, contact lenses are one of the best ways to correct eyesight without hindering your lifestyle. However, many people hesitate to make the switch from glasses.
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Have you ever felt a stinging or burning sensation, or any other discomfort while wearing contact lenses? It's not just you. Many Americans struggle with these symptoms from their contacts.
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When you walk into the store to purchase your contact lens solution, you're met with an explosion of colors and brands.
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When life gives you challenges what do you do? Take them on one at a time, right? Finding the best eye doctor for your needs is one of those challenges. Seeing as over 60% of people wear either glasses or contact lenses, this shouldn’t be so hard, right? Wrong!
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Contacts are quite popular. In fact, it's estimated that 45 million Americans wear contact lenses. It should come as no surprise then that we have such a wide variety of contact lenses available on the market.
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If you wear glasses or contacts, there’s nothing worse than having irritation in your eyes. Eye irritation is already bad enough for most, but they can cause even more disruptions for those who rely on their prescription eyewear to see.
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Most people know to visit the dentist every six months. And everyone knows that getting a physical is an annual occurrence. But so many people don’t stop to think about visiting the eye doctor.
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Did you know that nearly a million doctor’s visits a year are due to eye infections from contact lenses?
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Eating the right foods is good for your health. But did you know that it is also a way to maintain healthy eyes? It’s true! In addition to affecting our weight, our energy, and our risk for getting diseases, a healthy diet is good for our eyes. Adding the right vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to your diet can keep eye disease at bay and even improve vision.
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If you’re looking for the perfect gift for a special man in your life, there’s a good chance that eyewear could be just the thing. How do we know? Well, around 75% of Americans use some sort of vision correction. That means this eyewear guide features a great gift for 3 out of 4 of the men in your life! Even if the man in question has 20-20 vision, we have a number of thoughtful gifts on the list that are also super practical.
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Did you know that 80% of eye problems are easily preventable and treatable? This means that there are things you can do every day to keep your eyes healthy! Here are the top 5 eye health tips that will keep your eyes happy and healthy, especially when paired with regular visits to your eye care provider.
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It’s not uncommon to face eye problems with age. In fact, most people will start to notice a change in their eyesight after the age of 40 and it will generally worsen over time. This condition, presbyopia, causes difficulty in focusing on objects up close.
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Although many people believe their eyes will naturally get worse, the truth is - they don’t have to.
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Your annual eye checkup can be an unnerving event. You may be worried about the state of your eye health. You may also be a bit apprehensive about trying new treatment options. If you have always worn glasses, then it can be daunting to make the transition to wearing contacts. Thus, it is best to have as much information as possible: knowledge is power! There are also myths to debunk, such as a contact getting lost behind your eye. This is not anatomically possible, as your eyelid is actually connected to your eye. While a contact can get stuck to your eyelid, don’t worry! Your doctor can teach you how to realign and remove it.
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We've all been there. You wake up, a little groggy, only to find…oh no! An empty bottle of contact lens solution. You've got a big presentation at work today, a hot coffee date, and an important meeting. You can't wear your glasses! But you definitely haven't got the time to run out and buy a new bottle of lens solution.
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Eye care professionals agree: there are many reasons to love disposable daily contact lenses. One factor is their ease of use. Longer wear lenses tend to be cheaper than daily disposables, but few people want to follow the strict cleaning regimen required.
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Thinking about buying color contact lenses? Great! There are just a few things you need to know before you buy. Colored contacts have a range of tints, wearing schedules and care requirements. Read on to find out everything you need to know to choose the right ones for you!
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Are you one of 125 million people worldwide that wear contacts? Yes, a lot of people wear contacts. But, a lot of us don’t actually know enough about contact lens safety.
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Are you considering wearing disposable contacts, but worried about your eye health? Well, here is some great news for you. Disposable contacts are proving to be far superior to other contact lenses for the health of your eyes. Find out what daily disposable contacts are and why your eye doctor may feel they are right for you.
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Dry eyes are a common problem suffered by an estimated 4.88 million Americans over the age of 50. The older you are, the more susceptible you are to having dry eyes. Wearing contact lenses can exacerbate an existing condition or contribute to creating a new case of dry eyes.
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Just as there are cats or dog people, there are dailies and monthlies people. Daily contacts have seen a surge in popularity over the last decade. This is due to their many advantages when compared to other types of contacts. Still, it can be a matter of personal preference. If you’re getting contacts or considering switching, you’ll need to decide — daily vs. monthly contacts.
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We can all agree that it’s time to start taking better care of our planet. It’s the only one we have, after all. Embracing sustainability, zero waste and green living might sound difficult to do. But it doesn’t have to be! Small changes can reduce your personal impact on the environment in many ways.
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Contact lenses come in a wide variety of types. This can make it difficult to know which type is right for you. Both daily contact lenses and weekly contact lenses are very popular and each have their own benefits.
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Oh dear! You broke the golden rule of contact lens wearers. Your eye was itching so badly that you had to rub it.
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Poor eyesight is a worldwide issue. In fact, there are over 2.5 billion people in the world who do not have corrective lenses but seriously need them. This is a global matter that affects people from all walks of life. And yes, this includes kids!
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Do you have a child that wears glasses? Is your child especially self-conscious about their glasses? Do you want to find a way to help improve your child’s perception of themselves? If so, consider the role contact lenses could play for your children.
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There are many people who need vision correction. Reasons can be hereditary, or a result of infection, injury or illness. It’s not only seniors and middle-aged people who need help with vision impairment.
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Did you know one of the top reasons people don’t switch from glasses to contact lenses is fear of discomfort from touching or scratching their eyes?
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Vision change is one of those things people tend not to realize at first. Then, one day, you notice that you can no longer read a street sign from as far away as you once could. Perhaps you catch yourself adjusting where you hold your phone to read the screen.
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If your contact lenses could talk, they’d have so much to tell you! They might do a little bragging about how low-maintenance and comfortable they are!
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A whopping 25 percent of patients who visit ophthalmology clinics report that they have symptoms of dry eyes. If you wear contact lenses, dry eyes can make them feel uncomfortable.
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Different forms of color blindness affect about 8% of men and 1% of women. 300 million people around the world have this condition that is more accurately called Color Vision Deficiency (CVD). There is no cure for color blindness. However, there are some exciting new developments in corrective lenses to help people with color blindness see true colors!
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Your children’s vision problems can be hard to detect, and you may not realize that your children have eye problems. The American Optometric Association statistics show that 25% of children in the US have some type of undiagnosed vision problem. Vision problems in children affect their ability to learn, and can occur as early as 18 months old.
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When you first start wearing contact lenses, you take forever to put them in! You may also take some time adjusting to wearing them. Then you may also worry tirelessly about the lenses ripping or falling out.
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If you've ever taken the time to inspect the box your contacts came in, you might’ve noticed an expiration date on the side. Hopefully, that date hasn't already passed. But what do you do if it has? Can you keep wearing your contact lenses?
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Contact lenses are helpful alternatives to eyeglasses. However, they are fragile, and this means care is needed when handling them. Can a contact get stuck in your eye? The answer is yes but there is more to it than that.
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Are you still driving to a store or taking a trip to see your optometrist or optician every time you need to fill a contact lens prescription? If so, you're probably not getting the best contact prices you could get. You're also likely wasting a lot of time and gas money on driving. Trips to and from the store, optometrist, or optician’s office to pick up your new contacts take a toll.
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According to the CDC, about 45 million Americans wear contact lenses. These lenses are considered medical devices and the majority of people use them for vision correction.
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Did you know that a lot of Americans suffer from myopia? In fact, more than 30% of the United States’ entire population has this condition. Its exact cause is unknown, but one leading theory is that it’s hereditary.
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Do you have blue eyes, but wish they were just a bit more lively? Do you envy people who have eyes that always seem to light up when they laugh? Color contacts could be a great solution to having the eye color you’ve dreamed of. They can also make your current eye color look more vibrant.
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Are you tired of adjusting your glasses? You may just be a prime candidate for contact lenses!
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Touching your eye isn't exactly the most enjoyable thing in the world. But, your eyesight shouldn’t suffer from it.
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If you rely on contact lenses, you may feel nervous about traveling with them, especially if you have to fly. The last thing you want is for your contacts to go missing. You also don’t want the airline forcing you to discard your lens solution.
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We're here to answer an age-old question: do contact lenses give better vision when compared to glasses? At first, this might seem like an impossible question to answer. After all, some people prefer glasses while others, contacts. So, is it down to personal preference or are there convincing pros and cons that we can discuss?
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If you've ever worn contacts, you know the worst thing is wearing them when they've dried out. Dry contact lenses are uncomfortable. Also, they can harm your eyes if worn for long periods of time. So how do you overcome dry contacts? And can you prevent it from happening?
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Do you wear contact lenses? Or are you thinking of ditching your glasses and switching to a pair of lenses? If so, then you should be aware that sometimes, problems can arise with contacts.
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A study by the Center for Contact Lens Research states that 40% of contact lens wearers use their lenses past their expiration dates. While some forget, others don't want to spend their money on a new pair. Still, the data shows that almost half of 1,654 adult users surveyed have this habit.
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No one should take their vision for granted, but if you wear contact lenses or glasses you have to work a little harder to protect your eyes. Following a strict contact lens cleaning regimen might not be fun, but it’s necessary. Something as seemingly insignificant as an unwashed lens case can cause serious infection. In addition to your daily eye care routine, include eating well and blinking more often. Read on for our experts’ six top tips for protecting your eyes.
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Optometrists agree that daily contact lenses are better for your eye health. So what’s holding you back from making the switch? What makes you stick to your old monthly-wear lenses? It is possible that your avoidance of daily disposables is due to nothing more than a myth!
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If you’ve recently received a contact lens prescription, then you may be exploring buying your contacts online. Whether you’re new to wearing contacts or you’re a contact lens veteran, it’s always good to explore your options. Especially if you can find cheaper deals to make your bank account happier!
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Learning how to wear contacts can take a little time. You have to get used to putting them in, taking them out, and maintaining them. But there's a lot more that goes into contact lens safety. You also have to be extra mindful when wearing contacts so you won't cause damage to them or your eyes.
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